Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Man

"The Man" is a story surrounded in irony. A man assassinates the leader of his nation and flees without getting caught. The policemen spend days tracking and trapping him, refusing to give up until they find him! Finally the soldiers gather a mass of people people and randomly pull a man out of the crowd threatening to kill him unless someone reveals who the true killer is. This seemed like a dumb tactic to me anyway, I mean what are the odds that anyone in the crowd knows the actual name of the killer? If the killer acted alone then no one will be able to give up any information. So the police execute the man that they have randomly selected not realizing that they have just killed the actual murderer! The killer almost seems to be glee full as he is shot, in essence because he is getting what he wants, he is succeeding with getting away with the crime. Serves the police right! Here they are murdering an innocent man (at least they think he is innocent) as a threat. I also felt that this leader which he killed was probably a tyrant anyway. It seems like most leaders in these era in Africa were all blood thirsty killers.

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